A living (or once living) entity.
Examples for "living thing"
Examples for "living thing"
1Every living thing is animated by power and has power to use.
2It was without question the ugliest living thing Gentle had ever seen.
3Not a single living thing will survive, not even animals or plants.
4You said the oneness is touched by every living thing there is.
5They'll make every living thing we need, once we do our Job.
1A window is such a gay, animate thing.
2Then they waved, and the maroon and white flag stood out tense and defiant like some animate thing.
3Pity is the invisible embrace which enfolds all animate things.
4Until today, they'd thought demons could only animate things of the earth-ceramicor stone, concrete or clay.
5If intellectual processes were responsible for life, the world no doubt would soon be bare of animate things.
6As one reads on, however, one becomes aware of an intimacy and fellowship with animate things that go deeper.
7He directed these epithets never at animate things, never at anything he could by mental or physical contest overcome.
8A feudal baron had nothing between war and the chase-keenlyanimating things both-andwhat was called "inglorious ease".
9As we look at a snake, or a spider, we know that evil is shaped like that; and not only animate things but inanimate.
10Alone of animate things, Captain Vyell's coach-and-six crept forth and along the beach, as though tempted by the promise of a wintry gleam to landward.
Translations for animate thing